Home Grown Green Onions


 I wanted to share my thoughts on the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and how it relates to FOOD LA LA. FOOD LA LA has always been a community centered around food and creativity, but the absolute core of what we do is creating human connection, both between others and within yourself.  We cannot achieve that without all humans included.  We won’t.  So while we’ll still talk about food and fun cocktails, I am reexamining how we can be more inclusive with what and how we share, and I hope you’ll join us.


I spent last week listening, learning, reading.  It’s overwhelming to think that it may take a *long* time for the seeds of our actions to reveal the future we want, but the time will pass anyway.  These deeper changes, those things you can't check off a list, are what we so desperately need.  Let's, together, make this time count.  And let's make it the last time.  Imagine the world we'd live in.   ✨


Cooking is my way of sharing joy with the world.  And as we ease back into recipes, cocktails, events, and those beloved macarons, I want you to know, the shifts, the learnings, the listening, the conversations, and the ACTIONS will continue.  And I commit to sharing them with you.  I've set calendar reminders to ensure that my actions and intentions are aligned with what I feel right now—an aching desire to elevate our black community to the place they should have been all along; right beside us.

If you ever want to chat, we will always value your ideas and make time to listen to you.  #BetterTogether


And in the spirit of new beginnings, growth, and resilience, I wanted to share this little trick (thank you Ellen!)  Chris and I have yet to keep potted herbs alive, but did you know you can easily grow your own green onions!?  Follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Remove bottom 1/2” of green onion (roots still attached!)

  • Step 2: Plant stem in dirt, about 1” deep (and about 1/2” of dirt over top)

  • Step 3: Within a few weeks, you should start to see the onions grow!  When you harvest, just trim down close to the soil, and the onion will regrow indefinitely (and you may even be lucky enough to get a flower blossom which is lovely to pop in a salad!)