Moving Tips!

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Life update—after six months on the road, a mobile studio for FOOD LA LA, and living out of suitcases, we’re re-settling in the Bay Area!


From -20 temperatures in Whitefish Montana to toasty beach days in San Diego, and days-long road trips, I’ve reflected a lot.  As we nest into our new spot, here are some thoughts I want to keep with me long past this move:


You don’t need as much as you think you do—When we first packed our car to drive to Montana, we rolled the windows almost all the way up, and shoved last-minute bottles of spices, hair tools, whisks, and shoes through the cracks then rolled them up.  Never get caught unprepared!  We couldn’t open a door or window without avalanche concern.  Chris had to drive almost the whole way because in the passenger seat, I was up to my knees in stuff. But the truth is—if you’re creative, you can find a solution for anything.


Adventure is greater than discomfort—Weren’t those road trips long?  You only had four sweaters?!  What are you gonna do about the dentist, doctor, and hair stylist?  Was the wifi/cell service bad? Where did you send your mail?!  Let me tell ya—we got close to going over our annual mileage, I sometimes wore tennis shoes in the snow or a big turtleneck cable knit sweater on the beach; we punted on annual appointments until we were back to California, I cut Chris’s hair and piled mine into a huge bun; sometimes it was hard to work, and our mail went into a black hole.  But, we got to adventure like we never could have otherwise:  getting first tracks on Tuesday mornings when neither of us had conference calls, waking up in a winter wonderland, spending an entire week celebrating a dear friend’s wedding, and lots of family dinners with loved ones.


What you surround yourself with matters—A new friend recently reminded me What you surround yourself with matters.  You see it every day; its energy becomes your energy.  As we think about our new home, I’m ready to declutter now more than ever, to make sure the things I love are forefront, and to splurge on that new desk I’ve been eyeing.  Even if you aren’t in the market for anything new, how can you make the things you have and love center stage? 

On a more practical level—we asked all of you to share your favorite moving tips with us and we were blown away by the creativity! I hope these tips are as helpful to you all as they were to us! Feel free to add on in the comments below!

  • Purge BEFORE packing! - JG

  • Marie Kondo everything. (I’m her spirit animal!) - NT

  • Inflatable furniture; Don't buy until you KNOW you LOVE; (Invested in kitchen before anything else!) - CB

  • If you don't use something, let it go for someone else to find the joy of it - DC

  • Use plastic bins for delicate things - AG

  • Invest in a dolly; Have cold water and beer ready for helpers - LD

  • Set up and make your bed FIRST! - ME

  • Have a bag/box with shower curtain, toilet paper, paper towels, regular towels and garbage bags handy - JK

  • Use Olio to give away what you don’t need - PS

  • Lots of sharpies and painters tape to label everything, good shoes (your feet hurt while packing and moving!), keep your hydro flask close by to stay hydrated! - JLF

  • Sharpies!! Stay hydrated! Outsource wherever possible - DT

  • Reevaluating your relationship with physical things can be freeing - DB

  • Declutter NOW, don't wait! Prioritize what gets unpacked first (i.e. coffee maker). Label boxes & make a cross-reference list (like this, BB1.10, is bedroom Benjamin, 1 of 10 boxes). Set up rooms in this order: bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, and office, host a DINNER PARTY- encourage to get done quicker! - HCS

  • Cleaning out unused items (recycle of course) and minimizing my material things. - KC

  • Pack a suitcase just like you were going on vacation. - DZN & CD

  • Label... EVERYTHING, seriously, purge all you can, get ready to eat takeout for a week or more, don't be afraid to ask for help- (say thank you with wine and pizza!) - CD

  • It’s always better to declutter before you move, color code your boxes, pick a tape color for each room/ area. (My husband and I have floor dates—like when you have recently moved in and have pizza on boxes!—all the time 😁 we love them) - JP

  • Pack up your bathroom and kitchen essentials LAST, and move/unpack them yourself FIRST!
    (Setting up your BASICS takes off some of the pressure, while settling into your new surroundings.) - SW

  • Ditch the packing paper and bubble wrap - use your clothes/towels! Less waste and less mess!
    (I'm so grateful for you, your team, and this community! Best thing to happen over the pandemic! ) - AG

  • Spend the last week having dinners and lunches out with friends. (Less food wasted and you’ll clear out fridge!) - TG

  • Be organized and label everything clearly, and start by packing things that are least used and then save the important stuff for the end) - JW

  • 1) Keep, 2) Recycle, 3) Toss . . . Be tough and thorough and only keep what you really love! - CB

  • Usefulness of vacuum space saving storage bags are key!
    (But do not leave your clothes vacuum sealed in these bags for a few years like I did—hello perma wrinkles!!) - CS

  • Help, help and more help. Don't turn down help! - MP

  • Pack an essentials bag with toiletries, pjs, and a few days of clothes - AW

  • Don't bring too much stuff! Take some time to explore the new area - EC

  • If you have stairs, hire moving helpers! Use furniture sliders and lift aids. If it stays in a box more than a year, get rid of. - JY

  • Number each room in your new home and label boxes with these room numbers. - MS